Interactive Phone Controlled Sex Toys

Women's health experts agree that orgasms are good for your physical, mental and even spiritual health. Orgasms release endorphins that make you feel happy and relaxed. They also help relieve stress and anxiety by boosting production of the hormone oxytocin, which makes you feel more connected to your partner (and yourself). And if you're going through menopause or have a low libido because of cancer treatments or other medical conditions, strong G-zone stimulator for women can actually help stimulate blood flow in the genital area to curb those symptoms.According to Dr. Neri Goldstein, assistant professor at NYU Langone Medical Center's Perlmutter Cancer Center who has studied sexuality in older women with breast cancer: "Sexuality is such an important part of quality of life for many people." She says frequent sexual activity helps reduce stress levels and improves sleep quality — two important factors when fighting disease."