Best Quality Adult Toys

If you're a beginner, or if you don't know where to start when buying a clitoral rose suction sex toy, here are some tips.Look at the reviews. If a product has good reviews and other users have said they loved it, it's probably worth trying. But if there are lots of negative comments from customers who were disappointed in the product, steer clear! That said...Don't trust everything you read online about sex toys and vibrators in particular. It's easy for people with ulterior motives to leave negative reviews—whether because they're trying to sell another product or because they simply want revenge on someone who wronged them personally by spreading rumors about them online (which is sadly common). On Amazon especially—which is where I buy most of my sex toys these days—the sheer number of reviews can make it hard for an average consumer like me (and maybe even someone more experienced) to tell which ones are fake or biased. One way around this problem is by looking up reviews by third parties who aren't affiliated with any company selling their own products: The Wirecutter does this kind of research all the time; so does New York Magazine's The Cut blog; so does Good Vibrations' staff writer Rachel Hurley (who herself recently wrote an excellent piece titled "How To Use A Vibrator").