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Some people may be afraid of sex with female flower sex toys best vibrators because they associate it with pain or danger. For example, some women have been sexually abused and feel that the only way to prevent themselves from becoming victims again is to avoid sex altogether. Others have never had a good relationship with their parents and see all adults as potentially abusive or rejecting. In this case, the need for affection can be so great that any attempt at physical contact feels like too much of a risk.Some people feel guilty about their sexuality because they believe that expressing sexual desire makes them bad or dirty in some way (even if no one else thinks so). Some may have been taught that sex is sinful and wrong; others may have been taught that homosexuality is evil; still others might think that masturbation leads directly to hellfire and damnation! These feelings of shame can lead someone who wants healthy relationships with other people—and especially intimate ones—to shut down emotionally rather than risk rejection by opening up emotionally first.